Coffee Sack
Need some sweet sack action? Our little roastery has some burlap coffee sacks of various shapes and sizes (they are all beautiful) and we'd like to see them off to a good home.
Here's the deal: we give you a coffee sack that you can use in your garden, for your art projects, for a sack race at your next picnic, you do you. Then you'll give us $4. We will take that $4 (the tree is actually $3.30 but all the payment providers are going to take a cut, soz) and use it to plant a tree with @carbonneutralau. You get a sweet sack, we don't end up with a pile of them at the roastery, and some trees get planted, it's win/win/win!
We will include these in our promise to match all tree purchases through our website too, so you'll actually be buying two trees, and hopefully finding a great way to grow some stuff at home too. If you are stuck for ideas for what else you can do, here are a few:
- Make a pet bed
- Make a grow sack or line a garden bed
- Make cushion covers
- Make a market/tote bag
- Make a super itchy face mask
- Make a plant pot cover
- Make a rug
- Make outdoor chair covers
- Make an apron
- Hang it on the wall and declare your coffee prowess to your housemates
- Wear it as a dress
The designs vary from origin to origin. Coffee sack will be chosen at random, but please get in touch if you require a specfic origin. Approx measurements 68cm x 98cm, although size may vary slightly.
As always: Albus for scale, not for sale.