Core Cube | 4 x 125g Filter
Like a mixed bag of lollies (but without the shit one that you don't like) the Core Cube gives you a chance to try a little bit of everything at a discounted price.
4 x 125g boxes (total 500g) of a selection of coffees. A fantastic chance to try our full range of filter coffees, or maybe share some with your friends. Sometimes we might even throw in a surprise special release!
One of the most exciting things about coffee, for us, is being able to taste a few coffees side by side and compare flavours. It makes each coffee really shine individually, and can help bring some validity to all those taste notes we put on the boxes.
Maybe that’s not your thing, maybe you just want a little bit of coffee, or a cheeky mid week top up, or you want an easy gift for someone who you like, but only half as much as your other friends.
You'll get 4 x 125g boxes (total 500g) of all of our current filter roasted coffees** - great if you like to sample lots of different flavours, if you get bored easily, or have coffee commitment issues. No matter what coffees we have on you’ll get the same great price, even if it’s a $50 geisha 👌 because we want to make sure the best stuff is as accessible as possible.
Check out the individual coffee pages here for some detailed info about each coffee and some brewing guides, but if you’ve gotten to the end of this spiel, you already know what you’re doing - so you do you, and enjoy the coffee!
We prefer our filter brews from a v60, but we won’t judge for use of anything at all to make yourself a coffee - even a (clean) sock.
Our recommended ratio when brewing filter coffee is 60g of coffee per litre of water. Simply scale this down, or up, for your desired size of brew.
With all methods, you’ll want: a grind size similar to granulated sugar, boiling water, and about 3 minutes of brewing time. This goes for v60, aeropress, plunger, and the (still hopefully clean) sock.
Our favourite recipe for v60:
- 20g of medium to coarsely ground coffee, it’ll feel a little like granulated sugar.
- Set your kettle to boil, and ready your socks to be rocked.
- We use a 60g bloom, with a swirl of the slurry to make sure it’s all wet. You can stir of that’s easier, just don’t rip the paper!
- After that, when your timer is at 45 seconds, add more water to a total of 200g, and swirl gently.
- Then finally at 1:15 on your timer, add the rest of your water, to 330g, and do one last little swirl.
- Wait till it drains through, roughly 3:30 is a good time, pour into your favourite mug, and let those socks be rocked.
If you’d like more info or tips, get in touch! hello@coreroasters.cc