Gambung | Indonesia
Meet GAMBUNG, a 1,300-1,400masl honey processed, mixed variety lot from Kang Lovi in West Java, Indonesia.
Expect to taste: honey, sumac, pear, honeycomb, matcha, black sesame & peanut brittle
TL;DR: We say that Core is about people and flavour, and this coffee celebrates that like no other. Our ties to Indonesia through Dani’s family, the stunning cup profile of this coffee, and the truly inspiring humans who brought this coffee to light are all worthy of celebration, so fill your cups and enjoy!
Greetings from Kang (/ˈkɒŋ/ a title used to refer to a relatively young man) Lovi, a grower & processor from Gambung, West Java. Gambung is widely known for its cold temperature and high altitude, making it a suitable ground for both coffee and tea cultivation. It is in
fact one of the oldest tea plantations in West Java.
Kang Lovi himself started growing coffee in September 2015, when he inherited a coffee farm from an 82 year old retired farmer. He then spent some time in the nearby Mount Tilu Forest, learning coffee farming from the his predecessor. Together with his wife, he
now passionately tends to a 4-hectare land dedicated to cultivating coffee plants.
His passion for coffee, fueled by his curiosity and willingness to learn, is evident in the quality of green beans produced from his farm. He is known as “the meticulous and detailed oriented coffee artisan” among the other growers in the region. The quality speaks for itself when other local coffee farmers started to request his help in processing their cherries. This led to the establishment of a communal coffee processing center in Gambung, which has helped increase the local region’s green beans production capacity.
As a coffee enthusiast himself, Kang Lovi loves enjoying quality coffee in his daily morning ritual. For him, coffee does not only give color to his life, but it is also his source of joy, his teacher and his friend. He believes that cultivating the plant teaches him the close and deep connection between humans and nature. He also emphasizes the importance of careful post-harvest processing, considering the living organisms inside the coffee cherries. This collaboration between nature and coffee producers is what contributes to the enjoyment and pleasure found in a cup of coffee.
We prefer our filter brews from a v60, but we won’t judge for use of anything at all to make yourself a coffee - even a (clean) sock.
Our recommended ratio when brewing filter coffee is 60g of coffee per litre of water. Simply scale this down, or up, for your desired size of brew.
With all methods, you’ll want: a grind size similar to granulated sugar, boiling water, and about 3 minutes of brewing time. This goes for v60, aeropress, plunger, and the (still hopefully clean) sock.
Our favourite recipe for v60:
- 20g of medium to coarsely ground coffee, it’ll feel a little like granulated sugar.
- Set your kettle to boil, and ready your socks to be rocked.
- We use a 60g bloom, with a swirl of the slurry to make sure it’s all wet. You can stir of that’s easier, just don’t rip the paper!
- After that, when your timer is at 45 seconds, add more water to a total of 200g, and swirl gently.
- Then finally at 1:15 on your timer, add the rest of your water, to 330g, and do one last little swirl.
- Wait till it drains through, roughly 3:30 is a good time, pour into your favourite mug, and let those socks be rocked.
If you’d like more info or tips, get in touch! hello@coreroasters.cc